Building Server-Side Web Language Processors

This entry is based on an article titled “Building Server-Side Web Language Processors”, by our teacher Ariel Ortiz. The article wants to explain that it is possible to build a language processor in a web environment. In order to do this, we must adapt our work to a web interface and we must also consider when trying to do this ourselves (because it can get tricky).

The article tells us that developing a language processor for web it is not easy, it has a lot of challenges, not only the challenges we face while making a regular programming language, but also the challenges that come with having a web development. Challenges include handling the HTTP, security, adaptability, the specifics of each browser, and many others. There are several tools and practices which we can use to deal with these problems and overall it is a very laborious task.

It is important to know the inner works of how a web language implementer works, the reading emphasizes a lot in this, and it is recommended for a language implementer to have scripting features, our teacher Ariel also gives us several strategies for building a web language processor and these strategies are:

-      To use the Common Gateway Interface
-      Build everything over web technology already used and known
-      To program your own server

Web development is a very interesting area and this article takes it a step forward by building a language processor with all the challenges that it includes.


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